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Jürgen Popp教授 学术报告通知

标 题:Optical biopsies via multicontrast imaging

时 间:2018年12月4日(周二) 下午16:00-18:00


报告摘要:Reliable cancer diagnosis is a complex process and requires a number of diagnostic approaches, such as e.g. endoscopy, ultrasound, multi-detector computed tomography, etc. However, the current gold standard for making a definitive diagnosis is the histopathological examination, i.e. the microscopic analysis of specially stained tissue biopsies and cell material. For a fast and safe in vivo or near in vivo intraoperative diagnosis, however, new methods and approaches are urgently needed. In this presentation, we will explore the potential of optical methods to address these challenges through the implementation of optical molecular pathology. We will focus on molecular-sensitive spectroscopic methods, with particular emphasis on linear and nonlinear Raman spectroscopy and their combination with other spectroscopic / optical modalities, to provide a multimodal imaging approach for precise surgical guidance and intraoperative histopathological examination of tissue. In summary, we will present various combinations of spectroscopic modalities to maximize the extractable information to obtain a reliable diagnosis. The presented examples demonstrate the potential of multi-contrast spectroscopy to solve the challenges currently facing clinical pathology.

Jürgen Popp教授简介: 国际著名光学专家,德国耶拿光子研究所所长,耶拿大学物理化学学院院长,国际应用光谱学学会会士。国际著名期刊《Journal ofBiophotonics》主编,《Raman Spectroscopy》编委,洪堡基金(StiftungfürTechnologie, Innovation undForschungThüringen (STIFT))董事会管理成员。JürgenPopp教授在光子学、高分辨率分子成像以及成像光谱学等方面有着很深的造诣,曾于2016年获匹兹堡光谱学奖,2018年被授予捷克斯洛伐克光谱学会Ioannes Marcus Marci奖章,发表学术论文750余篇。

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