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Xiuping Jia与J. Scott Tyo学术报告通知(二)

报告题目:On hard and soft hyperspectral image classification uncertainty



人:Xiuping Jia

报告摘要:A hyperspectral imager is designed with a specified spatial resolution, which is often limited as spectral measurements are the priority. The low spatial resolution leads to a large number of mixed pixels in an image, which generates high uncertainty in hard classification, where each pixel in a hyperspectral image is labelled as one of the defined classes. Spectral unmixing techniques have been developed to map each pixel as a weighted sum of the endmember classes it contains. It offers an effective means to overcome the hardware limitation via post image processing.

Several issues in spectral unmixing techniques will be discussed in this talk, including endmember extraction, primary class data representation, and mixture modelling. The emphasis will be placed on within class spectral variation and the associated unmixing uncertainty. The concept of unmixing resolution and fuzzy assessment will be introduced and discussed.

报告人简介:Xiuping Jia博士,国际著名遥感数据分析、高光谱图像分类专家,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学工程与信息技术学院博导,哈尔滨工程大学、西安电子科技大学、中国石油大学的客座教授,中国农业信息技术工程技术研究中心兼职研究员,IEEE GRSS Symposium Award Committee主席,《遥感数字图像分析》(Springer-Verlag, 3rd(1999))第四版著者,国际著名期刊IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing副主编,Journal of Soils and Sediments编辑,2018年获多萝西绿色奖。主要从事遥感图像处理和空间数据分析领域的研究,发表学术论文190余篇。

报告题目:Fundamentals of Modulated Polarimeters




报告摘要:Polarization images are captured using two primary strategies. In the first, the incoming beam of light is split into multiple copies which are independently analyzed and measured. In the second, the incoming image is modulated in space, time, wavelength, etc., in a polarization-dependent way. These modulation strategies place polarization image information into channels in frequency space, from which the polarization data can be demodulated. This talk will cover the basics of channeled polarimetry and will review many of the recent popular strategies. Examples will be given for temporal, spatial, and spectral modulation; systems with modulation in multiple domains; systems with bandwidth considerations; and we will discuss recent work with non-separable modulation strategies that provide the potential for even better performance.


报告人简介:J. Scott Tyo教授,国际著名偏振光学专家,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学工程与信息技术学院院长,国际电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)会士,美国光学学会(OSA)会士,国际光学工程学会(SPIE)会士。曾任美国亚利桑那大学(University of Arizona)光学与电子计算机工程教授,2014年被授予SPIE GG Stokes奖。在国际著名学术期刊Optics Letters、Optics Express、Applied Optics、IEEE Trans. AntennasPropagate、IEEE Trans. Geosci.、Remote Sens等发表学术研究论文200余篇,被国际同行他引2000余次,单篇最高引用600余次。

地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号      邮编:710049    版权所有:西安交通大学

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