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Second International Conference on Photonics and Optical Engineering
2015 3rd Chinese WHISPERS
2014 professor Gordon G. Shepherd from York university and professor William Ward visited institute of space optics
As an organizer of the international conference on optoelectronics and optical engineering
2013 the fifth western photonics conference
Prof. Miles visited institute of space optics
Prof. Dingyi Wang form York university gave reports at Xi'an Jiaotong University
Prof. Popp from Photonics research institute of jena, Germany
Qing-xi Tong ,Academician of Chinese academy of sciences, director of the institute of remote sensing and geographic information system of Peking university
Hou Xun .The famous expert in optoelectronics, academician of Chinese academy of sciences

Recent years , we have good cooperation in the field of space optics, imaging spectrometry, atmosphere remote sensing and inversion , with research institutes, universities with world leading research ability( NASA, the Canadian space agency, the French space center, the university of Washington and the university of central Florida, Glasgow university, the university of York in Canada, Quebec, Canada, the New Brunswick university, university of Darmstadt, Germany, the German photonics research institute, the German aerospace center, Germany remote sensing center, university of Bonn, Germany, the Chinese academy of sciences, space center of xi 'an optics engineer, remote sensing, atmospheric physics,, aerospace 508 institute, Beijing university, tsinghua university, etc. More than ten famous scientists came to visit xi’an Jiaotong university.Professor zhang also visit research institutes in Germany, Britain, United States, Canada, Singapore and other countries.

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